What's Your Idea?

Everything starts with an idea... and an idea can change everything.


But even the most phenomenal idea is worthless if it stays locked in your mind. Because your mind is a place to generate ideas, not for storing them!


I help you bring your ideas to life. Bridging the gap between imagination and impact through the magic of Visual Strategy to transform dreams into reality.

✨ Discover How I Can Help You! ✨

  Transform Your Valuable Ideas into Impactful Visual Narratives!

Check out my new course...

Showcase Your Superpower: Create Your Core Values Compass™ 

Imagine having a clear, guiding vision that aligns with your values, strengths, and goals. Showcase Your Superpower is a self-paced, on-demand course designed for visual thinkers, intuitive individuals, creatives, and coaches ready to unlock their potential.

Uncover The Superpower Within You!


Hello! I'm Ann...

Visual Strategist | TEDx Speaker | Author of The Clarity Quest IdeasBook

I’m a proud Geordie, living in the friendly North East of England, helping trailblazing clients locally and globally to see, believe in, and share their vision. As a visual thinker with Hyperphantasia, my superpower is to ignite ideas and transform them into clear, compelling, and strategic visual narratives.

I’ve realised my own dreams, becoming a TEDx Speaker and Author, and I've also worked for the ‘BIG 3’ – Santa Claus, Willy Wonka, and Mickey Mouse! So I understand how wonder and imagination make anything possible. Ideas and innovation create magic. Storytelling and believing in your vision turn dreams into reality.

Now, let me help you realise your BIG dreams!

✨ Discover How I Can Help You! ✨

What Would You Like To Do?

Grow Your Business with VisionMapping™  

Bring your ideas to life with VisionMapping™ coaching! In these innovative and impactful 1:1 strategy sessions, Ann transforms your ideas into one page actionable visual plans. Create your VisionTree™ to grow your business, or design a unique SignatureSysten™ to build your brand.

Grow Your Business

Express Your Ideas with VisualDoodles™ 

Communicate your stories, insights, and expertise in a visually compelling way! Commission custom VisualDoodle™ images, roadmaps, and time-lapse promo videos, or learn the art of VisualDoodle note-taking. Ideal for visual thinkers, innovative businesses, and thought leaders to make ideas accessible and engaging.

Express Your Ideas

Boost Your Sales with Visual Marketing™  

Attract attention of your target audience with Visual Marketing™ principles! Learn strategies used by leading brands to create intrigue, elevate customer experiences, and boost sales.. Stand out online and in person with cost-effective, proven silent sales techniques that present your brand, products and services professionally and drive results.

Boost Your Sales

Unlock Potential with The Clarity Quest™ 

Unlock your potential, passion and purpose with The Clarity Quest™ collection. Using proven tools and techniques, Ann guides you to define your goals, overcome obstacles, and connect the dots between what you have done, where you are now, and who you can become. Gain clarity to align your decisions with your future vision to live the life of your dreams.

Unlock Your Potential

Ignite Your Ideas! 

Take a look and discover how I can help you bring your valuable ideas to life, unlock your potential and grow your business. I offer a  range of products, services, free resources and appointments designed to empower you to realise our vision.

Find Out More